Homepage of Jeremy Wu 🇨🇦
Postdoctoral researcher He/Him
7340 Mathematical Sciences Building
University of California, Los Angeles
E-mail: jeremywu (at) math (dot) ucla (dot) edu
I am a Postdoctoral researcher under the Hedrick Assistant Adjunct Professor position at UCLA.
I obtained my DPhil (PhD) in 2022 at the Mathematical Institute in the University of Oxford within the OxPDE research group. My PhD supervisors were José A. Carrillo and Matias G. Delgadino.
I obtained my MSci during my undergraduate studies from 2013-2017 at Imperial College London. Afterward, I obtained my MAst from 2017-2018 from the University of Cambridge.
Broadly speaking, I am interested in Partial Differential Equations with a focus in gradient flows, kinetic theory, their intersections, and related areas. Recently, I am interested in understanding discrete-to-continuous and micro-to-macro limits.
My thesis
As an applied mathematician, my main interest is the study of Partial Differential Equations (PDE) for modelling physical phenomena. In particular, the focus of my PhD thesis is on the gradient flow structure of the spatially homogeneous Landau-Fokker-Planck equation $$\partial_t f(t,v) = \nabla \cdot \left(f(v)\int_{\mathbb{R}^3}f(v_*) |v-v_*|^{2+\gamma} \left[I - \frac{v \otimes v}{|v|^2} \right](\nabla \log f(v) - \nabla \log f(v_*))dv_* \right), \quad \gamma \in [-4,0]. $$
You can read more about the Landau equation and its relation to the famous Boltzmann equation here.